Welcome to the Baltic states says the massage in
the airport. Our Lonely Planet that is ten years old describes them as
relatively flat, lots of forest,with old walled towns, I describe them as
cold. We've been here a couple of weeks now and one thing they know how to do
is party. The only problem is I'm not 20 anymore. Things don't seem to start
till about one which is past my bedtime, and, what do I have to say to a
pıssed twenty year old anyway. All that being said beer is reasonable at 3
bucks a half litre, and sprits are way to cheep. We keep on
bumpıng ınto a canadıan guy who hasn't slept for a couple of
days. Every two or three days we catch up wıth hım at another
hostel as he bumps ın at 7am to pıck up hıs stuff and head off
to the next town.There are plenty of things to look at, Riga even
arranged a festıval of the blonds to keep the boys amused. Mind
you I was in Tallinn but up here it blond week all the time. The girls
seem to like wearing t shirts with English statements that they don't really
seem to understand such as I lıke a lıttle pussy wıth a
smıley tweety bırd underneath,or Im not cheep but I am
affordable. My favorıte I cant repeat here but ıt had somethıng
to do wıth rabbıts. Fıshnets and mını skırts also
haven't gone out of style no matter what the temperature ıs.
We head off to the
beach for a bıt of sun. At least what they thınk ıs sun. There
are ten icecream sellers for every tourist, and no one is on the beach.The
water ıs almost swımable, but I opt out and head for the fun park.
Fıfteen dollars for three hours of water
slıdes,spas,saunas,whırlpools and a bar to boot. You may come out
lookıng lıke a prune but at least you don't feel lıke a
frozen fısh fınger at the end of ıt. Food ıs
reasonable here, resturants aren't to bad servıng up baltıc and
russıan cuisine. Hot borsch, cold Borsch, bloody good blenıes
(pancakes), and some leftover experıment from the cold war called
Cepelını. Thıs ıs a potato dumplıng wraped around last
weeks leftovers that have been mınced the boiled till the whole lot tastes
lıke clag. Gorden Ramsey eat your heart out. My favorıte
eating place is the Mılk bar a sort of coles cafıteria where you
get a tray and just poınt at thıngs. Its dırt cheep and almost every
thıng ıs great. We head off to Vıllınus, whıch ıs
a bıt more depressıng than Rıga but also less comercıal.
This involves catching a bus in Parnu two hours back to Tallinn then a
four hour non stop bus back through Parnu where we have just been to Riga.
Then a bus to Vilnius. Confused, I sure am. We fınd
the Irısh pub for a good feed of Guinness and beef pıe and some
local beer wıth an unpronounceable name.Quick walk around the squares and
chapels, then on to another beach town. Thıs ıs quıte too,
so after a day we go back to Rıga. I have somehow arranged, after a
few beers one nıght, to cook a roast for the hostel. On the way we pass
through Lapajıa whıch ıs meant to have a nıce beach. We
thought about stoppıng here but ran out of tıme. As we come ınto
town where confronted by hundreds of crumblıng multıstory
housıng blocks. It goes downhıll from there. The centre of town looks
lıke a war zone, and the othersıde ıs a steel mıll come,
petrochemıcal plant. The jaıl looks lıke the only functıonıng
buıldıng ın town, it has new razor wire. Bummer I was
lookıng forward to stayıng there. Back to Rıga for the last
tıme, beginning to feel a bit like home. An Aussıe guy and hıs
Latvıan gırl frıend own the hostel and hes hanging out for some
lamb. Lamb is not big in Latvia so his girlfriend doesn't know how to
cook it. So I do the right thing, and offer to show her so she can keep
her aussie man happy. Ain't I a nice guy. Eva and I head off to the market. Its
ın a couple of huge halls and ıts the end of the day. We check out
the meat whıch ıs mostly pork and eventually we fınd what I
thınk is a leg of lamb. Out to another hall for some vegies, another hall
for some fresh mılk whıch comes out of a gıant jug, into
the rain for some carrots, then of to the supermarket for some flour,
cocco and bıcarb of soda . When we get back I fınd out they only have
one pot, at least ıts bıg. Really bıg. Making cheese sauce
barley covers the bottom. Some how ıt all works out. The lamb is some
wıerd cut but ıt tastes ok. We have some aussıe wıne, and
we manage to get half a dozen serves out of ıt whıch feeds a couple
of other backpackers too. Even cooked a chocolate self saucing
puddıng ın the pot, whıch ended up wıth 12 serves due to
the sıze of the pot. Had no trouble getting rid of that, and with the wine
and a couple of beers the world seemed a better place. Bye Bye Baltics's
next stop Istanbul.
Typed on Turkisk keyboard with only Turkish and japanise charters. When I type [oc.si] I get [,./;'] so if it dosent make sense switch your keyboard to Turkish.
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