Topic: South America
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After Spanish school most days I go for a wander around town. Ecuador being 98% catholic, as my Spanish teacher tells me, it's no surprise that there are a fair few churches around town. The Basílica del Voto Nacional of Quito isn't the flashest joint, that honour goes to the La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús a gold leaf covered monster in the center of town, but It's sort of on my way home if you don't mind walking up a big hill. Started in 1883 it still is technically not finished. The first couple of years were a bit slow relaying on donations, but then the government stepped in wacking a tax on salt to fund the construction. After all poor people gotta eat, and they need another huge church to add to the 15 they already have. Local rumour has it that the world will end when they finally finish it. For two bucks you can climb the tower. I get the feeling this was not in the original design. The path up to the tower looks like it was built by two old blokes for a box of beer. Wonky walkways, steep steps, and the feeling that the whole lot might collapse any minuet while your hanging outside the dome 150 feet up add to the sense of adventure. The steps would probably not pass a OHS audit in India. The view from the top is probably the second best in Quito bar the Teleferico cable car which goes to the top of a nearby mountain but seems to be always covered in cloud. I recommend lighting a candle and putting a bit of coin in the poor box as a bit of divine insurance before the trip.
Click the pic for more photos and a few more from aroundQuito and the TelefériQo Here