Topic: Africa
I leave Malaga at six am and arrive in the new world an hour and a half later. Morocco is just a little bit more than a quick hop across the Med, but as soon as you get here, you know your not in Spain. First problem, the airport is 50km inland, surrounded by desert. No public transport here, just the usual hoard of taxi touts. Ah well, when in Rome. For only double my airfare I get a ride into town, in a car that I'm sure has been used in a suicide bombing somewhere.
Agadir is a sort of Surfers Paradise. Its got lots of ritzy hotels with big pools lining the bay. I'm booked into the Hotel Welcome, it's not one of them. It's in the dusty, dirty bit of town. Cheap and cheerful, it's cleen, has breakfast, and internet, and stray cats. They are every where, a meal with out a cat looking up at you is not a meal here.
Why Agadir you ask? It was the cheapest airfare out of Europe. My ninety day visa was about to expire, and seventeen Euros buys a lot of airfare sometimes. Better check out what the place is about. I'll give them marks for effort, half of the town seems to be being rebuilt. They are turning the roads into tree lined boulevards, but the half finished result is more like walking through a building site. It's a half hour walk to the beach. It's got a wide boardwalk and a fine selection of restaurants. I'm not quite ready to go full native on the food yet, so lets try something familiar.
KFC is something that I feel like until I've eaten it. I was feeling like lunch and there it was. I particularly dislike the chips, which have never been edible since the stopped covering them in an inch of chicken salt. There's a terrazza out the front, and a young guy chasing away the kids who are like hungry wolves circling a carcass. The kids don't look particularly hungry, I think they just enjoy the game. Jump on the path, wave at people eating, young guy chases you back off path. As a fan of juvenile delinquency, I gave one of the little guys my chips on the way out. On the way back I hit my first Moroccan coffee shop. The main business I can see around town is blokes sitting around drinking tea. Standard place has around 30 guys (only) just hanging out. Buy a pot, sit as long as you want. Good cafe au lait is about a buck.
After a few days checking out the lowlights,it's time to move on. Agadir is in the south of the country, and a couple of hundred clicks south are meant to be some great surf beaches. Problem one is how to get there. Morocco doesn't seem to do busses between towns. The main form of transport seems to be collectivos, and the all seem to leave from a place 10 km out of town. First job is catch the local bus to the main bus station. On the third try I get it right. Reward breakfast. Next get a taxi with my six new best friends to a place called Tiznit. There are 30 lines of taxies, I don't speak French, or Berber. Just wander around saying Tiznit loudly. People keep on pointing you in different directions until "bingo". A couple of hours later we're there. Tiznit is in the middle of a desert and about as exciting as it sounds. I really want to get to the beach. Repeat above process with Sidi Ifni inserted for Tiznit. My new friends include a woman with three small children. It's about another couple of hours so l sit back and relax. Five minutes out of town we pull over, and the taxi driver buys the woman a large bottle of red fizzy drink. I think you can see were this is going. An hour later the little kid in the middle seat turns him inside out, much to the amusement of the driver. Fifteen minutes later it the turn of the kid beside me. Fortunately he has been supplied with a plastic bag to stick over his head. Ten minutes later we're there. I get lunch, fried fish and a bean stew for a couple of bucks.
I really want to get to Legzira. About six km down the road, for a buck you can catch the local bus, then walk a km down the hill, to the beach, that's famous for a rock with a hole in it. There used to be two of them but the one fell down a couple of years ago. Some thing to think about while you are walking through the other one. It's a beautiful beach with lots of cheap accommodation overlooking the water. Perfect place to catch up on the reading, or watch people with no knowledge of how to swim get sucked out by the beach rip.
I've been thinking of how to get out of here.I need to sort of head home soon as my last bankcard expires at the end of the month. Every day I Check on google flights. I'd like to sort of head east. The problem is some are a bit exotic, even for me. Think Tripoli or Kinshasa. Most of the others go through Europe. Visa Problems. Or like Cairo are just damn expensive. Eventually I find a set of flights that almost meet the criteria. There expensive, go totally in the wrong direction, involve a stopover in one of the most depressed places in the world. And it also leaves in four days time from Marrakesh in the middle of the country. Time to leave the beach. I'm in.
Marrakesh is a great market town. A huge souk sells everything. Need a Real Madrid footy shirt, Metal lampy thing, weird spice, or maybe another lampy thing, It's got it. I caught a taxi with a couple of young German blokes to the middle of town, and ended up at the hostel. From there we all went out searching for a feed. Tagine. Kabap, Couscous, Moroccan Salad, great food, why would you think of anything different to eat. We are thinking of something different, the food here is great but it gets very much more of the same, very quickly. We spend an hour looking round the souk, then give up and settle on Kabap. It's good, I go there another couple of times. When I get to the airport there is a Starbucks, but by then I had spent all my cash. At least they had the obligotory stray cat airside.
You know what to do for the photos.
Posted by bondrj
at 12:01 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 October 2022 4:15 PM NZT